Wednesday, June 22, 2016

SCARY FAIL Review-A-Palooza

I can say, I have only seen smaller models of these, but this one looks pretty bad. A (NOT) reasonable price of  $1,999.99. Would YOU want a creepy Chucky doll in YOUR HOUSE? And I could not take him in eve if they PAID ME. This is Grant Fitzsimmons, signing off.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

FAIL Albert

This guy was kinda creepy. I used to have nightmares about him coming out of the TV and squashing me with his fatness. That does sound weird, but I really had that dream. I have also watched only 3 episodes, and I refuse to look at him for more than a second. Even typing this post creeps me out.

This has been Grant Fitzsimmons, signing off.
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FAIL Shrinky Dinks

Grant Fitzsimmons, with a FAIL-A-PALOOZA to make up for lost time. Be sure to check for 3 new fails for the rest of the week, every day! Starting today, ending at August 5, we will have 3 fails every day. To the review, so we tried to make a few Club Penguin themed Shrinky Dinks in honor of our closed website, Glf & Turtleboy. They really did not turn out like they promised. Is it a FAIL or are we doing it wrong? 

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

WIN or FAIL Winnie the Pooh?

A wonderful kids movie, filled with adventure, laughs, and fun for the family. A 1 hour, 10 minute movie with not much suspense, but more comedy for the younger ones, and if you look closely, some for the moms and dads. It features the original gang, Pooh, Tiger, the Kangaroos, Eeyore, and of course, Christopher Robinson. I would rate it 3 stars, due to the overload of musical numbers, but the other three due to the amazing comedy. A definite watch, but not a definite WIN.
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